Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The sweet smells of Christmas

We made cinnamon/applesauce ornaments. The children were able to experience the feel of the dough before we rolled it out and cut the gingerbread man shapes. Our room smells delicious; almost as if we had baked a fresh batch of gingerbread cookies.
Mrs. Seitz also made some gingerbread play dough for us to use. We have made letters and other designs with this great smelling playdough.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Wow, we had a busy afternoon with our two career visitors. Officer Shane met with 2 classes and talked with the children about ways to stay safe, MoJo, and of course his job. The children were able to investigate his handcuffs, and other items. Thanks Officer Shane for the coloring sheets, books and badge stickers.
Mr. Dale visited with the children in the parking lot of the school. The children were fascinated with the ambulance and checking out the EKG paper after Mrs. Dorgan's heart rate was checked. We got to see the lights and hear the siren, and we got to walk through the ambulance. What a fun day the kindergarten students had.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

What a great visit we had from another parent today! Our visitor today is a pilot with USAirways. He shared a lot of info with the kinders, answered many questions, and presented each student with a special book. Hope you are reading and completing the activities with Maisy in this book about Maisy and her friends. Be sure to answer our poll before Friday!

Parents, we can't view this blog at school, so I may be changing to a new blog site so the students can participate in adding to the blog.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Fire Fighter

A parent of one of our kindergarten students visited with the k classes today. He is a firefighter at one of the stations in Mobile. What a treat this visit was! He talked with the students about his job, fire safety, and let his child dress as a firefighter. Video footage of actual fires was shown as this dad talked with the students about his job. Many of the students asked questions about his job, and his uniform. Thanks Mr. Jimmy!

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Fun Field Day

The children had a great time at our field day. Mrs. Seitz raced the kindergartners in the Hurricane Hustle...yes, she actually finished the race. After the Hustle, we danced with Coach Pharez before heading to our first event - tug of war. We enjoyed a day of Fruzers, fun relays, the big slide (did you catch Mrs. Seitz sliding?? Wesley's mom took a picture!!). We even got wet with a leaky bucket relay. Later in the day we relaxed on our beach towels and played on the playground. What a fun day!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Career Day

The kindergarten classes are learning about careers. We have some guest speakers lined up to talk with the students about various jobs. On Friday, April 4, the students will be dressed for their future careers. Parents are encouraged to assist their child in writing a few sentences about the child's chosen career.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Field Day

Field day is Friday, March 28. Wear shorts, Friday red t-shirt, and tennis shoes that can get wet. Be sure to put on sunscreen before you come to school!
You might want to bring a towel, and a change of clothes (must be uniform!!).
If you did not pre-pay for one of the plans, bring a couple of drinks and snacks.

Don't forget that Mrs. Seitz will be participating in the Hurricane Hustle. Let's get to the finish line while having lots of fun.

Parents are welcome to join us for the whole day (or part of the day).

Easter Egg Roll

We rolled plastic Easter Eggs in the hallway to find out the distance an empty egg would travel. Our class worked with Mrs. Dorgan's class. Our results will be submitted to along with other elementary classes around the globe. This is our second online project using technospudprojects.
We had a lot of fun rolling the eggs. The longest roll was over 14 feet! What a traveling egg.